
Shenzhen HUT Testing Technology Co.,Ltd.
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Where can I get the MSDS certificate? How much is the application fee?

Article keywords:2022-03-18 16:44:49

Where can I get the MSDS certificate? How much is the application fee?


MSDS, short for Chemical Safety Data Sheet (bai (Material Safety Data Sheet)), is also translated into Material Safety Data Sheet, Chemical Safety Data Sheet, Chemical Safety Data Sheet, etc. It is a comprehensive legal document on the characteristics of chemicals that chemical production or sales companies provide to customers as required by law.
Where can I get the MSDS certificate?
No matter whether it is domestic trade or international trade, sellers must provide product explanatory legal documents. Due to the different legal documents for chemical management and trade in various countries and even various states in the United States, some of which are changed every month, so if the provided MSDS is incorrect or the information is incomplete, you will face legal responsibility.
Therefore, the compilation quality of MSDS is an important symbol to measure the strength, image and management level of a company. MSDS certification only takes 1-3 working days, and the cost is only 500 yuan!
What are the titles of MSDS certification: MSDS certification is also called SDS certification, SDS data sheet, or MSDS certificate in Europe. It is generally used for the documents required by the carrier in the process of transportation and logistics.
Main content of MSDS:
One: Chemical name and manufacturer information
Two: chemical composition information
Three: Hazard Information
Four: first aid measures
Five: Fire fighting measures
Six: Leak emergency treatment
Seven: operation and storage
Eight: Exposure controls and personal protective measures
Nine: physical and chemical properties
Ten: Stability and reactivity
Eleven: Toxicological Information
Twelve: Ecological Information
Thirteen: Disposal
Fourteen: Shipping Information
Fifteen: Regulatory Information
Sixteen: Other Information
Where to get msds certificate?What is the use of MSDS/SDS?
1. Customs inspection (whether the ingredients are prohibited items)
2. Freight forwarding declaration (understand the product delivery requirements)
3. Customer requirements (different regional regulations are different)
4. Enterprise security management (understand product risk characteristics)
5. Risk registration (implementing strict safety supervision and management)
MSDS certificate application process:
1. Consultation - the applicant provides product information pictures and descriptions
2. Quotation--According to the information provided by the applicant, the engineers of HUT will make an evaluation, determine the items to be tested, and make a quotation to the applicant.
3. The applicant accepts the offer
4. The applicant fills in the test application form and submits the test samples to HUT
5. Sample testing - testing will be conducted in accordance with the applicable standard
6. Laboratory test report
7. A third-party testing company issues a certificate of conformity for FDA testing
Since its establishment, HUT has provided customers with high standards and testing services based on the principle of "integrity, professionalism and accuracy". The company has a group of engineers and professional sales teams who have worked in the field of certification and testing for many years. You provide certification application, standard consultation, product testing, technical support, rectification countermeasures, factory inspection counseling services, and can complete all certifications in multiple or fields "one-stop". ,Convenient service, at the same time, the company has strict customer confidentiality procedures and regulations, all customer information are kept confidential, so that every customer is satisfied.
HUT is familiar with the certification process, proficient in certification regulations, and can efficiently provide all-round support and answers, and customize suitable solutions for different enterprises and different product development stages.
Now we can provide food and drug export certification, testing, customs clearance logistics, channel docking, data query and other services for the United States, Europe, Canada, Brazil and other countries and regions.
Article keywords:Where to apply for MSDS certificate, how much does MSDS cost, where to apply for MSDS certificate