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The European union to crack down on misu

Article keywords:2018-09-12 14:33:12

CE certification mark is the product exports to the EU countries pass, but ifmisuse misuse the word, will be subject to heavy penalties, from January 1, 2010 onwards, the export of related products to the EU, if misused abuse CE certification mark will be subject to heavy penalties, eu.

It is understood, the EU introduced 765/2008/EC and 768/2008/EC two to the strict CE certification marks the provisions of the regulations in 2008, in order to ensure the safety of products. The focus of the most prominent new regulations is to strengthen market supervision CE certification mark. Specific measuressuch as strengthening the EU customs of the port inspection of imported goodscompliance responsibility; rules to add CE certification mark product conformity assessment activities completed by the designated assessment agenciesauthorized assessment agencies inform the members of the program, eachmember is provided with only one evaluation mechanism, the assessment noticeis valid for the whole of Europe area; the provisions of manufacturers,distributors, importers responsibility, different module refinement of conformity assessment procedures.

In addition to the above regulations to strengthen specific measures, the domestic manufacturers and exporters shall focus on the interpretation of the new regulations, two items of information transmission: one is that the newregulations for each member of the misuse of CE certification mark provides legal basis for the implementation of legal sanctions; two is the European Commission plans to register the CE logo, the logo has become a collective trademark trademark form, will become a member of a new tool for the authorities of the country of market supervision and legal protection. The above informationmeans that do not meet the requirements of the product to add CE certification,or CE font is not using the circle shape of letters, CE certification mark height of less than 5 mm size and shape errors such as previous large existing misuse and abuse phenomenon, will be subject to strict EU members legal action to stop.The new laws, customs procedures, authorization policy and market supervision means were required in 2010 1 January ready.

According to the existing provisions, in the EU market of industrial products, must be affixed with a CE certification mark, otherwise may not be listed for sale. Toys directive (88/378/EEC), machinery directive (98/37/EEC), low voltage directive(73/23/EEC, 2006/95/EC) and many other important directive EU are markers on CE certification for the requirements. CE certification mark as the European Union to prevent unqualified products imported the most important and basicsecurity defense line, to improve its certification standards will cause profound and comprehensive effect on the domestic manufacturers, may be on the part ofthe product form a technical threshold, cut its export market share. In this regard,the relevant enterprises should improve the consciousness of crisis.

Therefore, the inspection and quarantine departments suggestions: improveenterprise crisis consciousness, actively understand the EU regulations and policies and the latest trends, especially pay attention to CE certification markthe relevant provisions of the understanding, to prevent misuse CE mark; on the export of products in the EU directive in time for CE certification, to ensure that the products meet the EU requirements; in the environmental protectionconsciousness of safety and production technology gaps, to health and safetytraceability and production process of raw materials to product, small to CE logoon the product label size and shape and other details are required to conform tothe EU CE certification requirements, to avoid the risk of export.
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