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How much does CE certification cost? How to do it? What information is needed?

Article keywords:2022-03-18 16:14:39

How much does CE certification cost? How to do it? What information is needed?


The most concerned topic for customers who need to apply for CE certification is the testing cost of CE certification. Basically, customers who come to inquire about CE certification projects will first want to know the cost, because costs and other issues need to be considered. According to EU regulations, the cost of CE certification mainly depends on the customer's product, use environment and the price involved in standard standards. Different products have different parameters, so the instructions involved are also different. Some products only involve one order, and some products involve two order standards, and the price is naturally the same. There are also requirements for the issuing agency that will determine the level of fees.
What is CE certification?
Introduction to CE certification CE certification is a safety certification mark and a pass for products to be sold in the EU. In the EU market, "CE" certification is a mandatory certification mark; CE is abbreviated from the French "Communate Europpene", which means the European Community. The European Community later evolved into the European Union EU (referred to as the European Union).
CE Marking is a legal mark that can be enlarged and reduced in a certain proportion. It can also be seen as two intersecting circles, the two letters are of the same height, and the stroke in the middle of the letter "E" is slightly shorter than the upper and lower strokes. CE marking height cannot be less than 5mm.
CE certification is limited to the basic safety requirements that the product does not endanger the safety of humans, animals and goods, rather than general quality requirements. The coordination directive only specifies the main requirements, and the general directive requirements are the standard tasks. Therefore, the precise meaning is: CE mark is a safety mark rather than a quality mark. It is the "main requirement" that forms the core of the European Directive.
What products need CE certification?
There are three types of products here: the first is ordinary electronic products, and the CE certification fee for such products also depends on the input of the product. Under normal circumstances, the CE certification of DC products is to do EMC instructions, and only the fee for EMC testing is charged; the CE certification of AC products is to do EMC+LVD instructions, and the fee for two instructions is higher;
The second is wireless electronic products. The quotation of such products should be based on the wireless communication frequency band. Some products have multiple wireless frequency bands, and the prices need to be superimposed on each other.
The third is mechanical products. For CE certification of such mechanical products, it is necessary to first confirm whether the mechanical equipment is ordinary machinery or dangerous machinery. Ordinary machinery CE certification instructions are MD instructions, and some conventional LVD instructions, and the cost is generally acceptable; dangerous machinery CE certification needs to follow the process of dangerous machinery, requires the intervention of the EU NB agency, and the cost is higher than ordinary mechanical products;
The process of applying for CE certificate:
Step 1: Application (fill in the application form, apply for the company information form, provide product information and arrange to send samples)
Step 2: Quotation (determine the test standard, test time and corresponding cost according to the information provided)
Step 3: Payment (After the applicant confirms the quotation, sign the application form and service agreement and pay the payment)
Step 4: Testing (The laboratory tests the applied product according to the relevant EU testing standards)
Step 5: The test is passed, the report is completed; the project is completed, the CE certificate is issued
The test cost of CE certification is determined according to the instruction items of product testing. Different products involve different instruction standards, so the test items are also different, and the test cost is naturally different.
The above is my answer, I hope it can help you, you can make a reference! For more certification information, please contact us!
Article keywords:How much does CE certification cost? How to do it? What information is needed?