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CCC certification of origin

Article keywords:2018-09-12 14:29:35

CCC China Compulsory Certification mark, English name ChinaCompulsoryCertification, English abbreviated CCC. Below by Shenzhen Huantong certification testing agencies to introduce the origin of CCCcertification, so that we better understand the CCC certification.

National Quality Supervision and inspection and quarantine and the national certification and accreditation Regulatory Commission issued the "Regulations for compulsory product certification" and a series of documents in 2001December. From May 1, 2002 onwards, in the organization and management of CNCA, countries have begun to implement CCC certification of 9 industry 19categories and 132 kinds of products, including the telecommunications industry,telecommunications terminal equipment category 9 products. On the domesticimplementation of the product safety certification of products is responsible forthe former State Bureau of quality and technical supervision (CCEE certification)and responsible for the national entry exit inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the implementation of the imported products imported goods safety quality licensing system (CCIB certification), by the new national mandatory productcertification system (CCC) instead of CCC authentication, and also replace theproduction permit system and the electromagnetic part of the compatibility of products certification system.

CCC certification system is an important measure in order to meet the Chinesecountry joined WTO and the introduction, in order to maintain the market after joining WTO China not to excessively release, in the agreement on technical barriers to make full use of the WTO (TBT) CCC certification system formulationallowed under the rules of. Select the authentication system certification of product range and are closely related to the majority of people spending crystaland related to people's livelihood products o CCC authentication standard mainselection of safety and EMC in two aspects. It can be said, CCC certification system will be an important means in the future of China's protection of basic rights, consumers purifying domestic market, rectifying the market economic order. 

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