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The advantage and necessity of CE certification

Article keywords:2018-09-12 14:27:23

Brief introduction for CE certification

CE certification is composed of core European Directive "main demand", in May 7, 1985 the European Community (85/C136/01), the new method of "technical coordination and standard resolution" of the need to develop and implement instruction purpose as "main demand" has a specific meaning, which is restricted to the product not to endanger the basic safety requirements, animal and humanthe safety of the goods aspects, rather than general quality requirements, the coordination of the main provisions of the general requirements of instruction,instruction requirement is the standard task. The products meet the relevantinstructions regarding the main requirement, can attach a CE mark, but not in accordance with the relevant provisions of the general quality standard for rulingcould use the CE flag. Therefore, the accurate meaning is: the CE symbol is the safe qualified symbol, but non quality qualified symbol. It is seen asmanufacturers open and enter the European market, usually with a "CE" logo products can be in the domestic sales of the EU members, each member state's request, thus realizing the goods in the EU member states within the free circulation.

The word is CE, from the French "Communate Europpene" condensed, is the meaning of the European community. The European community has since evolved into the European Union (EU).

The significance of CE markers

In the CE logo: CE acronym for symbol affixed CE mark products in line withEuropean Directive concerning essential requirements (Essential Requirements),and used to confirm that the product has passed the declaration of conformity the appropriate conformity assessment procedure and / or manufacturer, truly become the product is allowed to enter the EU market sales pass.

The relevant directives require affixed CE mark of industrial products, no CE mark, may not be listed for sale, has been affixed CE mark to market products,found that do not meet the requirements of safety, to be withdrawn from the market, continued in violation of the provisions of instructions on the CE logo, will be restricted or prohibited to enter the EU market or forced to withdraw market.

The CE mark is not a quality mark, it is a mark of a representative of theproducts have been in line with the standard and directive of the Europeansafety / health / environment / health series. All products in the EU sales are mandatory to play on the CE mark.

The necessity to apply for CE certification

CE certification provides a unified technical specification, products for all countries to trade in the European market, simplify trade procedures. Product of any country to enter the European Union, the European Free Trade Area of the need for CE certification, in the product affixed CE mark. CE certification is therefore products into the EU and EFTA countries market pass.

CE certification means that the product has reached the safety of the EU directive requirements; is a commitment to enterprise customers, increaseconsumer trust in the products; a sign CE products will reduce the risk of sales in the European market. These risks include:

Risk detained by customs and investigation;

Ice cream market supervision mechanism was investigated the risk;

F more peer for competitive purposes charges risk.

Apply for CE certification benefits

The EU laws and regulations and the coordination of standards not only the quantity, but the content is very complex, so get the designated agencies help is a time-saving, labor-saving, wise and can reduce the risk of;

The obtained by designated by the EU CE certification bodies, to maximize access to consumer and market supervision mechanism of trust;

Third, can effectively prevent the charges not responsible appear;

In the face of litigation cases, EU institutions designated CE certification, willbecome legally binding technical evidence;

CE certification scope

The European union EU and the European Economic Area countries need CEEEA logo, to 2013 January the EU EU a total of 27 members, they are:

Austria Belgium of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Denmark FinlandFrance Germany Greece of France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, IrelandItaly, Luxemburg Luxemburg, Netherlands Holland, Portugal Spain of Spain,Portugal, Sweden, United Sweden Kingdom (Great Britain) in Britain, EstoniaEstonia, Latvia Latvia, Lithuania Lithuania, Poland Poland, Czech RepublicCzech, Slovakia Slovakia, Hungary Slovenia, Hungary, Slovenia Malta Malta,Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria in Bulgaria Romania cyprus.

The 3 European Free Trade Association, the members of the EFTA IcelandLiechtenstein: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway Norway.

Half the EU countries: Turkey Turkey.

CE certification to prepare technical documents

1, the manufacturer (European authorized representative (European authorizedagent) AR) name, address, product name, model etc.;

The use of brochures, product 2;

3, security design documents (including the key structure diagram, which canreflect the climb Shen distance, clearance, insulating layers and the thickness of the design);

Conditions of technology 4, product (or enterprise standards, the establishment of technical information);

5, product electrical diagram, block diagram and wiring diagram etc.;

6, the key components or bill of material (please use the European certificationlogo products);

7, the test report (Testing Report);

8, the EU related certificates issued by authorized certification body NB (for mode A other than mode);

The registration certificate of 9, products in the European Union (for some products such as: Class I medical equipment, ordinary IVD in vitro diagnosticmedical devices);

10, the CE declaration of conformity (DOC);

The CE certified products types

1, the power of CE certification: communication power supply, switching power supply, battery charger, power supply, LED power supply, display LCDuninterruptible power supply, power supply UPS;

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